Each month, The Bark Park awards two day campers the Dog of the Month title. We love all of our dogs, but during this particular month, the winners did something to earn them this particular honor. The two esteemed campers are usually the two who displayed the best attitude during the month, went out of their way to make friends with one of the new “kids” and most importantly, had the most fun!
Because of their outstanding play style they get the honor of having their pictures and bio posted on The Bark Park’s website and a personalized photo collage displaying their exceptional behavior!
Hi my name is Sasha and my Mom and Dad’s names are Jody and Mike . I am a very beautiful German Shepherd mix and turned 11 years old in June. I come to the Bark Park once a week on Tuesdays and let me tell you, I am ALWAYS ready to go when I get here! The very first thing I do is make a few laps to say “hello” to all the other dogs. The girls say that I’m a social butterfly and I guess it’s true because I have lots and lots of friends! At any point throughout the day, you’re likely to find me hanging out with Daisy H or Sadie. We have a blast running around together or just having girl talk on the futons. Now, about the ‘men’ in my life…being a spunky gal, I certainly attract A LOT of attention from the boys. Some of my closest boy friends are Goat, Nugent, and Cooper L. They are all very good snugglers although we do play chase now and then. As for my ‘special’ guy, I really have a thing for Buddy. I think he’s pretty handsome and I have tons of fun during our wrestling matches.
Hi my name is Nugent and I’m a very handsome and distinguished Shepherd mix. My Mom and Dad’s names are Kori and Done and I turned one years old in July. I come to The Bark Park two times a week on Tuesdays and Fridays and boy oh boy do I know how to get the party started! The first thing I do is swagger up to all my guy pals to say “hey” and then I like to show off for the ladies – they think I’m pretty cool! :-) Speaking of us ‘cool’ dudes, the guys you’re most likely to see me paling around with are Duncan, Max T, and Spencer M. We play chase and wrestle like no one else can – after all, we ARE the cool guys, right? When it comes to the ladies one of my favorite gals is fellow top dog, Sasha. She’s always lots of fun to chase and she tries to keep me out of trouble with the other girls…you know how us boys can be sometimes ;-) But, the leading lady in my life is Daffodil and I’m pretty sure we’re exclusive. Just do me a favor and don’t tell the guys… ;-)